Accept Losses and Become a Consistent Trader

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Learn to take losses. The most important thing in making money is not letting your losses get out of hand – Marty Schwartz Accepting loss to gain trading consistency is an interesting paradox. Every good trader endures loss. The difference between a successful trader and failure is understanding how to handle loss. Whether we choose … Continue reading Accept Losses and Become a Consistent Trader

How to Build a Forex Trading Plan: A Compilation of Parts 1-4.

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Without a trading plan, successful trading is unlikely – you’re effectively driving blind.

The problem is new traders fail to recognise the significance of a trading plan. This may address why many traders find it difficult to accomplish their goals in this business.

Scalping the Forex Market: A Beginner’s Guide

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An integral part of becoming a consistently profitable trader is finding a trading style that suits your emotional disposition. Fortunately, a number of trading styles are available. Although each style differs on holding periods and frequency, position trading, swing trading, day trading and scalping are among the most widely used channels within the technical community. … Continue reading Scalping the Forex Market: A Beginner’s Guide

What Does Fearful Money mean to Traders?

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Fearful money, or as we like to refer to it as ‘hot money’, is capital that a trader has a strong emotional attachment to. In other words, it is money that one CANNOT afford to lose, and therefore, should not really be using it to trade the markets with. An example of hot money is … Continue reading What Does Fearful Money mean to Traders?

What to look for in a Forex Trading Strategy

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Have you ever found yourself tempted to pull the trigger on a trade that did not meet your rules of engagement (your trading strategy rules)? If you haven’t, then kudos to you! If you resemble the majority, however, then you have very likely been in this position more than once. Despite the title, this will … Continue reading What to look for in a Forex Trading Strategy