Measure Market Momentum Using the Awesome Oscillator

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Born in 1932, Bill Williams is a US-based trader and the author of a number of books on trading, and also the gentleman behind the Awesome oscillator indicator (AO). In addition to this, Williams is the creator of other well-known technical indicators, such as the Accelerator oscillator, Alligator, Fractals, Gator oscillator and the Market Facilitation … Continue reading Measure Market Momentum Using the Awesome Oscillator

Relative Strength Index: How to Trade Using the RSI Indicator

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Nowadays, popular trading platforms offer in excess of 100 indicators. You could say you are almost spoilt for choice. The mammoth selection, however, tends to be detrimental, often leaving traders overwhelmed, particularly those in the earlier junctures of their journey. Fortunately, a handful of indicators have stood the test of time. Including, but certainly not … Continue reading Relative Strength Index: How to Trade Using the RSI Indicator

What is Risk-On and Risk-Off?

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Updated April 2020 Irrespective of whether you trade an individual market or several, understanding the dynamics behind broader risk sentiment is imperative. This adds a crucial tool to a trader’s arsenal. Risk-On – Risk-Off The market continually cycles between two modes: Risk-on and Risk-off. Rising and falling confidence dictates market movement, leading to traders favouring … Continue reading What is Risk-On and Risk-Off?

How to Build a Trading Plan: Part Four

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Goal setting Having something to strive for should be an essential part of your trading plan. It is how we develop and ultimately progress. Goal setting is a component that should not only focus on financial objectives; it should also look at developmental goals as well. Some examples of developmental goals might be: Sticking to … Continue reading How to Build a Trading Plan: Part Four

How to build a Trading plan: Part Three

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Trading strategies As you can probably imagine, trading strategies vary according to the individual trader. Despite the differences, each trading plan should display clearly defined rules of engagement for both entry and exit signals. A setup is essentially a repetitive ‘pattern’ that provides a high-probability signal to trade the market. Whilst we recommend noting each … Continue reading How to build a Trading plan: Part Three