Bank of England Preview

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Release date: Thursday 30th January at 12.00pm GMT/07.00AM EST BoE Monetary Policy Report MPC Official Bank Rate Votes: Expected: 0-3-6 Previous: 0-2-7 Monetary Policy Summary Official Bank Rate: Expected: 0.75% Previous: 0.75% What Is the Bank of England? The central bank for the United Kingdom, the Bank of England, or BoE, is a public body … Continue reading Bank of England Preview

How to Build a Forex Trading Plan: A Compilation of Parts 1-4.

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Without a trading plan, successful trading is unlikely – you’re effectively driving blind.

The problem is new traders fail to recognise the significance of a trading plan. This may address why many traders find it difficult to accomplish their goals in this business.

Friday’s US Employment Report

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Release: Friday at 8:30 a.m. (EST).   US employment figures provide an irreplaceable insight into the condition of the world’s largest economy. It’s also considered a leading indicator of consumer spending, which drives the economy. The combination of the indicator’s importance and swift reporting generally makes for sizable market moves. Stronger-than-expected figures, values that surprise, … Continue reading Friday’s US Employment Report