How to Build a Forex Trading Plan: A Compilation of Parts 1-4.

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Without a trading plan, successful trading is unlikely – you’re effectively driving blind.

The problem is new traders fail to recognise the significance of a trading plan. This may address why many traders find it difficult to accomplish their goals in this business.

Fall in Love with the Process – Not the Results

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The only way to do great work is love what you do – Steve Jobs Most have never envisioned becoming traders or demonstrated a connection to the markets. In fact, it’s likely the majority were introduced to trading through friends or colleagues, enticed by the idea of financial freedom. Many, however, fail to acknowledge what … Continue reading Fall in Love with the Process – Not the Results

Approaching Money Management – A Vital Component

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Markets can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent – John Maynard Keynes. Like exercising, money management is a concept most pay lip service to, but few unfortunately practice. Just like eating a healthy diet and staying actively fit, money management can seem a laborious, disagreeable motion. It forces traders to monitor positions and … Continue reading Approaching Money Management – A Vital Component

Position Sizing – Where SIZE Does Matter

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Risk comes from not knowing what you’re doing – Warren Buffet. Updated March 2020 Foreign exchange (forex or FX) trading, once the domain of commercial banks, hedge funds, large corporations and high net worth individuals, is now available to anyone with an internet connection and sufficient funds to meet balance requirements. Although a low barrier to … Continue reading Position Sizing – Where SIZE Does Matter