What Is Leverage and How Does It Work in the Forex Market?

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Updated March 2020 What you don’t know can’t hurt you Remaining ignorant or uninformed may apply to some things in life, but not leverage. The more you know the better. Leverage is defined as having the ability to control larger sums of capital using little of your own funds. Leverage in the forex market is … Continue reading What Is Leverage and How Does It Work in the Forex Market?

Traits of a successful trader

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Trading, especially to the unaware, is generally intimidating. Some would even go as far to say that it’s frightening! Over time we’ve heard it all: ‘participating in the market is a sure-fire way to lose your shirt’, ‘the market is rigged’, ‘it’s gambling’ – the list is endless! So why, if all the above is … Continue reading Traits of a successful trader

What is a margin call?

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One of the most unpleasant experiences a trader can face is known as a margin call. To understand the dynamics behind this feature one must first appreciate what margin is in the forex market, which unfortunately is a commonly misunderstood concept. What is margin? Margin is essentially a good-faith deposit that’s required by the brokers … Continue reading What is a margin call?