Traits of a successful trader

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Trading, especially to the unaware, is generally intimidating. Some would even go as far to say that it’s frightening! Over time we’ve heard it all: ‘participating in the market is a sure-fire way to lose your shirt’, ‘the market is rigged’, ‘it’s gambling’ – the list is endless! So why, if all the above is … Continue reading Traits of a successful trader

Trading Expectancy – Thinking in Probabilities

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Updated August 2020 Did you know you don’t have to be right each time you interact with the market? You don’t even need to be correct 50% of the time to succeed. Once a trading system is mastered, one with an edge, trading should be no more than a repetitive chore – almost boring. Because … Continue reading Trading Expectancy – Thinking in Probabilities

Identifying Support and Resistance in the Foreign Exchange Market

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Markets move in the path of least resistance Two of the most widely discussed concepts in the field of technical analysis are support and resistance levels. Without understanding these critical components, trading is generally a frustrating endeavour. At first glance, the concept behind support and resistance makes sense, some would even say simple. However, you’ll … Continue reading Identifying Support and Resistance in the Foreign Exchange Market