Accept Losses and Become a Consistent Trader

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Learn to take losses. The most important thing in making money is not letting your losses get out of hand – Marty Schwartz Accepting loss to gain trading consistency is an interesting paradox. Every good trader endures loss. The difference between a successful trader and failure is understanding how to handle loss. Whether we choose … Continue reading Accept Losses and Become a Consistent Trader

How to Build a Forex Trading Plan: A Compilation of Parts 1-4.

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Without a trading plan, successful trading is unlikely – you’re effectively driving blind.

The problem is new traders fail to recognise the significance of a trading plan. This may address why many traders find it difficult to accomplish their goals in this business.

Do You REALLY Have What It Takes to Be a Successful Forex Trader?

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Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do – Pele Trading consistently is tough. It challenges you in ways you’ve not likely been tested before. So, what separates the successful traders from the pack? It boils down … Continue reading Do You REALLY Have What It Takes to Be a Successful Forex Trader?

A Primer to Understanding Basic Chart Patterns

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Do technical trading patterns exist and are they profitable? This is a question often asked by new traders. Depending on who you ask, the response will differ. Some academics and investors believe patterns don’t exist – that price action is entirely random, whereas the majority of technical analysts are adamant chart patterns exist and are … Continue reading A Primer to Understanding Basic Chart Patterns