Bank of England Preview

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Release date: Thursday 30th January at 12.00pm GMT/07.00AM EST BoE Monetary Policy Report MPC Official Bank Rate Votes: Expected: 0-3-6 Previous: 0-2-7 Monetary Policy Summary Official Bank Rate: Expected: 0.75% Previous: 0.75% What Is the Bank of England? The central bank for the United Kingdom, the Bank of England, or BoE, is a public body … Continue reading Bank of England Preview

Friday’s US Employment Report

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Release: Friday at 8:30 a.m. (EST).   US employment figures provide an irreplaceable insight into the condition of the world’s largest economy. It’s also considered a leading indicator of consumer spending, which drives the economy. The combination of the indicator’s importance and swift reporting generally makes for sizable market moves. Stronger-than-expected figures, values that surprise, … Continue reading Friday’s US Employment Report

The Importance of the Economic Calendar

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Updated June 2020 While it’s true all trading strategies shoulder losing setups, some losses can be avoided. Experienced traders are conscious of what’s ahead on the economic calendar. Newer traders, though, often expose positions to unnecessary risk around news time. Price Action – News Economic news releases can drastically affect price movement. Depending if market … Continue reading The Importance of the Economic Calendar