What Are Lots in the Forex Market?

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Newer traders often enter trading with exaggerated dreams, void of accurate education. To trade the forex market successfully, understanding the dynamics behind how trades are measured is a necessity. Currency Pairs A base currency is the primary currency in a currency pair quotation – the euro in EUR/USD, for example. The quote currency, or counter … Continue reading What Are Lots in the Forex Market?

Fall in Love with the Process – Not the Results

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The only way to do great work is love what you do – Steve Jobs Most have never envisioned becoming traders or demonstrated a connection to the markets. In fact, it’s likely the majority were introduced to trading through friends or colleagues, enticed by the idea of financial freedom. Many, however, fail to acknowledge what … Continue reading Fall in Love with the Process – Not the Results

Algorithmic Trading Explained: The Basics

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While many still think of traders dressed in coloured jackets in a crowded trading pit, few people picture a computer server churning away making millions of decisions. It is estimated approximately 75% of all US equity trades are not placed by humans, but by machines, also known as ‘algorithms’. The same algorithmic trend is also … Continue reading Algorithmic Trading Explained: The Basics

Approaching Money Management – A Vital Component

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Markets can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent – John Maynard Keynes. Like exercising, money management is a concept most pay lip service to, but few unfortunately practice. Just like eating a healthy diet and staying actively fit, money management can seem a laborious, disagreeable motion. It forces traders to monitor positions and … Continue reading Approaching Money Management – A Vital Component

A Primer to Understanding Basic Chart Patterns

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Do technical trading patterns exist and are they profitable? This is a question often asked by new traders. Depending on who you ask, the response will differ. Some academics and investors believe patterns don’t exist – that price action is entirely random, whereas the majority of technical analysts are adamant chart patterns exist and are … Continue reading A Primer to Understanding Basic Chart Patterns