Trading Expectancy – Thinking in Probabilities

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Updated August 2020 Did you know you don’t have to be right each time you interact with the market? You don’t even need to be correct 50% of the time to succeed. Once a trading system is mastered, one with an edge, trading should be no more than a repetitive chore – almost boring. Because … Continue reading Trading Expectancy – Thinking in Probabilities

Forex Market vs. Other Financial Markets

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Trading in FX markets reached a mammoth $6.6 trillion per day in April 2019, up from $5.1 trillion three years earlier, according to the 2019 Triennial Survey of turnover in OTC FX markets. While foreign exchange retained its dominant status as the largest financial market in the world, knowing how FX stacks up against other … Continue reading Forex Market vs. Other Financial Markets