Getting Smart With Cryptocurrencies: A Brief Outline

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Nowadays, you’d be hard pressed to go a day without reading or hearing about cryptocurrencies, and for good reason. 2017 proved to be the year of cryptocurrencies. Popular instruments achieved unprecedented growth, smashing record after record. A universe once ruled by Bitcoin has seen a new band of cryptocurrencies emerge, such as Ethereum, Litecoin and … Continue reading Getting Smart With Cryptocurrencies: A Brief Outline

Contracts for Difference: CFD Trading Explained

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Updated October 2020 Despite their popularity, CFDs, or contracts for difference, are relatively new products – their invention is widely credited to Brian Keelan and Jon Wood in the 1990s, of UBS Warburg[1]. CFD trading offers cost-effective access to global markets, all from one platform. CFDs are over-the-counter (OTC) leveraged products, derivatives that are designed … Continue reading Contracts for Difference: CFD Trading Explained