Getting Smart With Cryptocurrencies: A Brief Outline

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Nowadays, you’d be hard pressed to go a day without reading or hearing about cryptocurrencies, and for good reason. 2017 proved to be the year of cryptocurrencies. Popular instruments achieved unprecedented growth, smashing record after record. A universe once ruled by Bitcoin has seen a new band of cryptocurrencies emerge, such as Ethereum, Litecoin and … Continue reading Getting Smart With Cryptocurrencies: A Brief Outline

Harmonic Patterns: What is an AB=CD Formation?

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Updated November 2020 All financial markets create trends and identifiable patterns. At first glance, harmonic configurations may seem puzzling, even mysterious. Harmonic patterns, however, are established through clear price structure and Fibonacci measurements. The concept of harmonics, according to research, were first introduced by H.M. Gartley in his book Profits in the Stock Market, originally … Continue reading Harmonic Patterns: What is an AB=CD Formation?