What Does Fearful Money mean to Traders?

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Fearful money, or as we like to refer to it as ‘hot money’, is capital that a trader has a strong emotional attachment to. In other words, it is money that one CANNOT afford to lose, and therefore, should not really be using it to trade the markets with. An example of hot money is … Continue reading What Does Fearful Money mean to Traders?

Trading the Higher Timeframes: An Overview

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Updated September 2020 Many envision a sense of freedom when introduced to trading – freedom to spend more time with family, freedom to travel, freedom to lead life on their terms. Regrettably, this freedom fails to materialise for the majority of traders. Traders, particularly newer traders, want freedom and success now. They fail to understand … Continue reading Trading the Higher Timeframes: An Overview

The Ceaseless Quest for a Perfect Trading Strategy

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Updated June 2020 Although having a well-defined trading strategy is vital to get ahead, some traders mistakenly believe this is the be-all and end-all of trading and pursue perfection. The quest for a flawless approach is widespread, often elbowing traders into a vicious cycle – a cycle that can last for years, and for some, … Continue reading The Ceaseless Quest for a Perfect Trading Strategy

What to look for in a Forex Trading Strategy

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Have you ever found yourself tempted to pull the trigger on a trade that did not meet your rules of engagement (your trading strategy rules)? If you haven’t, then kudos to you! If you resemble the majority, however, then you have very likely been in this position more than once. Despite the title, this will … Continue reading What to look for in a Forex Trading Strategy

How to build a Trading plan: Part Three

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Trading strategies As you can probably imagine, trading strategies vary according to the individual trader. Despite the differences, each trading plan should display clearly defined rules of engagement for both entry and exit signals. A setup is essentially a repetitive ‘pattern’ that provides a high-probability signal to trade the market. Whilst we recommend noting each … Continue reading How to build a Trading plan: Part Three