Why becoming an independent Forex Trader is appealing

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The word ‘Independent’, or ‘financially independent’, is KEY here my fellow traders! Like most folks, the thought of low-paying government pensions, working in your seventies and, just, well, working in general, usually brings a sour taste to one’s mouth. A lot of people are often left thinking that there must be more to life than … Continue reading Why becoming an independent Forex Trader is appealing

An Introduction to Greed and Fear in the Financial Markets

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‘Three great forces rule the world: stupidity, fear and greed’ – Albert Einstein. Greed and fear, two opposing emotional conditions, are principal drivers that have a profound impact on our lives. And unless you’re a robot coated in human skin, dealing with greed and fear is inevitable in trading. Greed and fear: a brief history … Continue reading An Introduction to Greed and Fear in the Financial Markets

Traits of a successful trader

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Trading, especially to the unaware, is generally intimidating. Some would even go as far to say that it’s frightening! Over time we’ve heard it all: ‘participating in the market is a sure-fire way to lose your shirt’, ‘the market is rigged’, ‘it’s gambling’ – the list is endless! So why, if all the above is … Continue reading Traits of a successful trader

What 2% a month can earn you

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Legend has it that when asked to name the greatest invention in human history, Albert Einstein replied ‘Compounding interest’. Whether Einstein actually said this or not, we would certainly not be one to disagree! In simple terms, the compounding part comes from the interest you earn on the interest you’ve already earnt.     As … Continue reading What 2% a month can earn you

Trading Expectancy – Thinking in Probabilities

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Updated August 2020 Did you know you don’t have to be right each time you interact with the market? You don’t even need to be correct 50% of the time to succeed. Once a trading system is mastered, one with an edge, trading should be no more than a repetitive chore – almost boring. Because … Continue reading Trading Expectancy – Thinking in Probabilities