IC Markets Launches New Partners Portal

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International Capital Markets Pty Ltd (IC Markets), the leading forex broker in Australia, announces the release of its new Partners Portal.

Following the recent launch of its Secure Client Portal, International Capital Markets Pty Ltd (IC Markets) has officially launched its new Partners Portal for its growing number of Introducing Brokers and Affiliates. The Partners Portal allows Introducing Brokers and Affiliates to manage their own marketing campaigns as well as tracking their commissions in real time.

Built into the same interface as IC Markets market leading Secure Client Area, Clients and Partners are able to seamlessly switch between their Trading Account and Partners Portal without having to log into any additional third party affiliate or IB system. Unlike conventional Partners and Affiliate systems IC Markets Partners Portal is fully integrated into MetaTrader 4 allowing the real-time creation of Agent accounts and commission tracking.

The Partners Portal contains a vast array of marketing material including banners, logos, widgets and Info-graphics. Marketing material is available in 10 different languages including English, Chinese, Japanese, Greek, Italian, Spanish, Polish, French, Russian and German, allowing Partners globally to build targeted and unique regional marketing campaigns.

Andrew Budzinski, IC Markets Managing Director said: “We are committed to our 2,500 plus Partners and Introducing brokers and our Partners Portal is another tool we have launched to help our partners succeed in their business.”

Key functionality of IC Markets Partners Portal includes:

  • Manage marketing campaigns, track clicks and conversions
  • Monitor live account registrations in real time
  • Track commissions and client trading volumes in real time
  • Seamless integration with our Secure Client Portal
  • Real-time client to partner conversion
  • Register clients manually or online with full tracking
  • Marketing material including banners, widgets and Info-graphics in 10 different languages

Combined with IC Markets leading MetaTrader 4 forex offering, Introducing Brokers and Affiliates now have powerful tools to maximise their campaign returns and commission revenues.

Andrew Budzinski added: “Our Partners Portal gives Introducing Brokers and Affiliates an edge allowing them to identify high performing campaigns and track revenue down to the cent, this ensures returns are maximised from each marketing dollar spent”.

Introducing brokers and affiliates can register at this link: IC Markets Introducing Broker

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IC Markets

IC Markets is revolutionizing on-line forex trading; on-line traders are now able to gain access to pricing and liquidity previously only available to investment banks and high net worth individuals.